Journey to Wholeness

Journey to Wholeness
Journey To Wholeness is our CSR Programme at EL-Cubed International Limited, here we offer professional services to those who cannot afford to pay.
Over the past 2 years, we have worked with over 100 clients and we would love to hold your hands if you fall into this category.
We are here to help, as we take you through Counselling, Coaching, and/or Therapy Sessions depending on your need. Kindly note that you are entitled to 4 FREE Sessions (a session is between 45minutes to 60minutes).
Do click on TAKE ADVANTAGE to begin your Journey to Wholeness
And would you love to sponsor a JTW Client? Kindly make payment via or into the bank account with details below:
- ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1467685092
N.B.: Please note clients are taken up under this programme the first 3 days in the months of January, April, July and October of each year unless otherwise announced.
Life Changing Sessions
Specially designed for you...

Our professional counsellors take you through a structured dialogue which helps you identify the source of difficulties/concerns you may be experiencing and together we develop ways to help you deal with and overcome the issues, come up with new skills and properly understand yourself and others.

Knowledge Sharing
Through our trainings, seminars, webinars and conferences we help individuals and organizations increase productivity by teaching them skills and knowledge of life to impact their areas of influence. Guiding people to live a balanced life.

Balanced ME™ School
These are self-paced online courses you can avail yourself of with useful links to explore.

Balanced ME™ Toolbox App
The Balanced ME™ Toolbox contain tools that simplify, bring clarity and balance to your life.

Journey to Wholeness
For those experiencing shame and guilt as a result of the wrong they have done or the wrong that was done to them , or guilt due to struggle with addictions, infidelity, murder, rape, amongst others, or even hiding as a result of societal stigma such as health challenges, marital status, etc

The Praying Hannah's Ministry

The Elevation Church

AlphaMedicol Ltd UK

GrandCoeur Empowerment Initiative

Omo Oniru

Deloitte, West Africa